Bad logos and Redesigns.


This assignment required me to go around town to find companies or brands with bad or misleading logos then choose 1 to make a redesign.

Tokyo Marine
Tokyo Marine is actually an insurance brand, but their logo doesn’t seem to be able to represent their brand well. With the ball and sphere like shape, it confuses viewers into thinking that it probably is a parcel service. The logo is completely different from its brand.

Public Bank
Public Bank’s logo is simple and easily understandable. But the logo has no representation or connection to the bank. The logo is only depicting 2 octagons overlapping each other and no relation to money or banking. If it wasn’t for the brand being well known, the logo itself would be very misleading.

The Border City
The Border City is an interactive café that allows you to enjoy a meal and play board games. But the logo is not a good representation of the café. From what I see, it has a European style building to represent its food, they serve western food, and leaves, but I’m not sure what it represents. I also want to point out that it’s colour scheme of blacks and greys is very dull and boring.

Hong Leong Bank
The logo for Hong Leong Bank is simple, so to say. But what does in mean? The shape and the form doesn’t represent a bank in my opinion. Even though, it has simple and attractive colours, I can’t help but be very annoyed by the fact that I don’t know what the logo represents. Like Public Bank, if it wasn’t an already well known bank, the logo would be unrecognizable.

Perfect Ceiling Lab
All I can say is that the logo is inappropriate. The logo looks like a clothing brand or an accessories brand. The font and typography of the words are very poorly done. Not only does it not represent a ceiling contractor company, it pushes people away. The colour scheme is simple but that is it.

Le Miz Hair Studio
Le Miz would be very recognizable to those who’ve been to the hair saloon, it has a simple readable font and a unique name. But to the passer by, this logo would not be recognizable as it doesn’t have any indication of it being related to hair or beauty. The typography is an eyesore to me, because I think the ‘Le’ and ‘Miz’ are too far apart from each other.

3 Bags Full
This logo, although simple and understandable, doesn’t seem to have a good depiction of a restaurant. The name of the restaurant and café is and interesting play of words and reference to the nursery rhyme “Bah bah Black Sheep”.

Black Bunny
Black Bunny is a beauty saloon that provide nail, facial and body care services. But the name and logo is undoubtedly misleading. The rabbit on its logo could mean anything from a pet shop, to a boutique and the font or typeface used for the words are an eyesore. All in all, the logo and the name are very inappropriate for a beauty saloon.

Jotun is a paint brand, but it is represented by a confusing logo. The logo seems to depict a penguin or what looks like a penguin and a globe behind it. Other that a simple colour scheme and typeface, the logo has no relation with paint or the brand.

Star Picker Audio
At first glance, this logo looks like represent a company related to nature because the logo looks like a tree. But the company is actually an audio shop. Nothing more to say other than a logo that is inappropriate.

I chose star picker audio as my redesign brand.

As u can see, i redesign the logo with a simply black and white theme. I also incorporated a human like figure holding a star to represent the name of the brand 'Star Picker'. The 5 wavy lines represent the bars of a music sheet that comes from the word audio in the brand.
Below is a sample name card for the brand.

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