Collage Assignment (Photoshop)

Collage Assignment done on Photoshop.
For this assignment i used the following pictures as the collage pictures.

I first put the lightbulb in as my base picture. All of the collage is built around it.

Then i put the sea picture behind it and erased whatever i didn't want.

There were gaps between both pictures so i filled it in by layering the pictures one under the other and erased the rest while using the eraser tool on a softer sharpness.

Then i worked on the background. I also layered and erased the background to create a full picture.

Next I added birds to the background.

More birds to create depth.

After that i put a butterfly as and effect behind the light bulb and used filters and opacity to adjust it till i was happy with the results.

I added more birds to the sky.

This is the final picture created with the collage method.

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