Type Expressions


For this assignment, i had to choose words that i feel best describe me use typography to express the words. The words i chose in (in order) are Wicked, Rebellious, Ecstatic, Creative, Confident and Charming.

I started with a white A4 artboard.

Then using the rectangle tool i created 6 squares in the colors i wanted and arranged them to have an equal amount of spacing.

For the 1st word (WICKED), I used an image i downloaded form the internet of a wolf's eye and adjusted the opacity so that it blended with the background color. I also used the blur effect to blur the edges of the image for a smoother blend.

Then i typed the words and expanded the shape so that i can then manipulate the shape of the word until a achieved this dripping effect.

Then with the pen tool i added oval shapes to look like small puddles.

Finished results. The word wicked means something with a mysterious or dark nature. I consider myself to half an inner alter ego that is dark and i use such words to represent it. The melting/dripping effects helps to emphasize the scary-ness and horrifying theme.

For the next word (REBELLIOUS), i used a bold font to emphasize the strength of the word.

To make is look like a spray painted word i copied the words then used the blur effect to blur out the harsh edges. Next i layered the original word above the blurred layer.

To give it an effect of a stencil, like it was spray painted on a surface, i used the pen tool to create a broken outline around the word forming the initial shape of the stencil, then i blurred the edges with the blur tool again.

For a stronger effect i used an image from the web of broken glass. Finally i used the rectangle tool to draw a square around the whole box and used clipping mask to get rid of anything that is outside of the box.

Results. I chose to represent the word rebellious as so because it means to go against the rules and be free of things that oppress one self. The spray paint words have a simple yet bold typography to convey the message easily and to emphasize the strength of the rebellion.

For the 3rd word (ECSTATIC), i wrote the words then used the warping effect to crated an arc to make the words look like a smile.

Then with the Ellipse tool i created 2 semi-circles to represent the eyes and two ovals to represent blushing cheeks.

The results. I chose a smile expression because the word ecstatic (a miss spelling on the illustration was later corrected) because it means to be happy and joyful, and to me a smile represents that.

I used the brush effects to change the effect too look like a blackboard writing.

Then with the pen tool i added the effect of dust and leftover blackboard mess. I also used the rectangle tool to clip mask the box, same as the one for the second word.

As a graphic design student, i have to be as creative as possible. I chose to represent the words creative as so because i feel that a blackboard is a good place to start showing your creativity. Since a young age, we've always been in front of a blackboard because of school, and through my experiences i learned that that's where my creativity started.

The 5th word (CONFIDENT), i wrote with a simple and easily read font.

I then used the pen tool to trace an outline for the shadow. Using a darker grey color to form the shadow.

As shown from the illustration, confidence is simple and direct. Anyone can understand it and anyone can have it. It is also something that greatly attracts people's attention. That's why i made the illustration simple and direct to represent my confidence.

For the word Charming, i chose a rather soft yet noticeable font.

I used the star tool to add a starry effect.

I feel that i have a certain charm that helps people feel more comfortable talking to me. The word is written in a simple calligraphy like font to look more gentle and also to attract people. The color contrast i used also helps to attract people.

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